So I am currently 9 weeks pregnant and this nausea (morning/evening/all day sickness, what-have-you) is absolutely driving me crazy!! Being nauseous all day makes me grumpy and I really don't like being so grumpy!! Oh well. HOPEFULLY it will go away when I hit the second trimester, so 3 more weeks of this crap!! Keep your fingers crossed.
I just have a few things on my mind today. First of all, bullies need to burn in hell... *ahem* I mean, bullies are the lowest form of scum on this earth that....yeah I can't think of anything else, so they just need to burn in hell! Mwahahaha! *evil laugh* You know, those types of people that thrive on causing misery for others? Yeah, them. If you have ever dealt with such a person during your lifetime, I know your pain and sincerely hope you made it through such a situation unscathed. It's especially horrible if that person begins acting as a friend, makes you believe they've changed, then takes off their mask and surprise, surprise they haven't changed at all! They are still that same horrid little rat you had to deal with all those years ago. Wow. People never change! Yeah I recently had to delete such a rat from my list of friends on facebook. I know, I know! It's petty and ridiculous what girls get offended and fight over but seriously! I do not deserve comments that offer no support whatsoever and that also bring me down and try to make me feel like I am a terrible person dammit! If all you know of me is what I post on facebook then you are missing out because that means you do not know me at all. For those that are my actual friends, who give a REAL rats ass about me, how I feel, and what makes me happy/sad/aggravated/cranky/overjoyed/ or anything of the like, THANK YOU! You are a ray of sunshine in my day that keeps me going! Without such friends like you, this world would not be worth living in.
I won't go into details about this situation because frankly it's just not worth it, and I am a better person than that rat anyway. (I know the fact that I am calling her a rat kind of negates that statement, but eh, who's keeping score? Who cares?)
Anywho!! So yeah, that's what's on my mind tonight.
Also, my hours got cut again at work. *sadface* Instead of my being able to work 39 hours, I am only allowed a total of 32 hours per week. Part of me is really upset about this because since our first little one is due this year we really need all the extra moola we can get, but on the other hand, since I have been so terribly nauseous the last 4 weeks, I am really kind of okay with getting off work a little earlier than normal. Oh well. We will survive and make it through. God has taken care of us this long why would he let us crash a burn now? : ) I am confident that we'll be okay.
Okay, I think that's all that's on my mind tonight if you care haha.
If you are a real friend to me, once again a big THANK YOU for standing by me and up for me if the time called for it. I'll try to be as good a friend to you as you have been to me!
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